Whew, it’s been quite a full few weeks! I apologize for being so far behind on updating. Here are a few highlights.
- Parrillada (cook-out) with SUSA, our jóvenes (young people) ministry
- Seeing Trujillo’s famous archaeological site, las Huacas del Sol y la Luna (pyramid/ tomb ruins from the Moche culture), with my friend, former student, and official tour guide Roxana.
- The opening of a new café at our church in Wichanzao – the clinic staff is quite excited about the tamales, papas rellenas, and cakes available right across the street.
- Trying to round up new Sunday School students and figure out how to teach the book of Judges to 6-9 year-olds. That’s pretty interesting. J
- Enjoying a few trips to Huanchaco, Trujill's beach town, with friends and (below) the clinic staff on this paseo (afternoon trip). Good bonding time and some fairly intense volleyball. :)
Celebrating the engagement of our friends Bruno and Briggith – they were thrilled to finally receive the go-ahead after being together since high school.
- Finally getting a better mattress to facilitate better care of Fermin’s bedsores. Fermin is the young man the clinic staff visits regularly who was paralyzed in an accident a year and a half ago. José Madrid, an elder at the church, also welded him a trapeze apparatus he can use to begin pulling himself up with his own strength. Now his sisters, who’ve been doing a great job caring for him, are headed back to the jungle so their kids can start the school year. Please pray that whatever family member(s) replace them would be just as capable of continuing his good care!
- Enjoying the presence of Dr. Mont Berry, an ENT doctor from Tupelo, MS, who saw over 60 patients at the clinic in 2 days!
- Spending all last week in campaigns with a medical group from a church in Memphis. I enjoyed translating (mostly for the dentists – I saw my first of many teeth extracted) and being with the fun group as we offered free medical care to people in low-income communities near Wichanzao and in other areas of the Esperanza district. Hopefully many were encouraged, served, and even informed about our clinic for future needs.
- Visiting a few patients in their homes this week. It’s nice to do that without as much of an agenda or timeline, as I was able to do with Noemí last Wednesday. And I spent all day yesterday with a Teodicia, an older lady in the neighborhood, and her daughter Lorena, at the hospital going through a series of tests and exams. Looks like it’s diverticulitis and, although very painful, thankfully treatable.
Sorry for the very brief run-through. It’s been a great couple of weeks, but definitely full. Maybe the comments and pictures will give you a taste. It’s cool to get to be a part of serving, building a variety of relationships, and just living here – even if it feels like life’s on steroids and running on fast-forward sometime. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. Much love to you all.
P.S. Are the Bradford pears blooming yet?
Glad you could update... you have been so busy!
ReplyDeleteSo is that what those trees are called? They are certainly in bloom around here and gorgeous
I'm diggin Bruno's hat.