Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pumpkins and plethoras

So, fall is wonderful. I think I see many things with new eyes after Peru, and fall is one thing I am seeing with renewed appreciation. The beauty of the colors really is astounding. And there's something about that crispness in the air and the crunch of leaves beneath your feet, those clear blue skies... things I've always loved, and I'm enjoying again.

And I've enjoyed some of the things that come with fall. Like pumpkins. With several of my friends and classmates who live in my apartment complex, I have been to a pumpkin farm,

complete with corn maze

pig races

and big pumpkin-shooter (oh yes, you read right),

carved pumpkins (and roasted their seeds :),

and eaten some choice, fall-inspired goodies that could very likely put you into diabetic ketoacidosis (which I can tell you all about, thanks to nursing school)... which, considering I'm not a diabetic, is probably quite a feat.

But another thing about fall is how it makes you think and be thankful. And this next week offers a lot of opportunities for that. I'm thankful for long bike rides on beautiful days. I'm thankful for a week break for Thanksgiving. I'm thankful to get to see friends soon. I'm thankful to get to spend time with family. I'm thankful for that feeling of rest you get when you are in that place where you grew up and (thankfully) feel content. I'm thankful for enough food to eat and grandparents and cousins to eat it with. I'm thankful for siblings, even though I won't get to see them over Thanksgiving. I'm thankful I get to be among all that this year. I'm thankful I got to be in Peru for it last year. Yes, there is certainly a plethora of blessings for which to give thanks... and may we never forget to do so.